Leading People to Where God Wants Them to Be

Spiritual Progression

This is the last Sunday of 2019.  It is a good time to evaluate things in our life we want to change.  One thing we can look at is where we are in our walk with the Lord.  Odds are, we all have the same problem.  We are not where we are supposed to be spiritually.  Good intentions don’t always translate into Godly realities.  Just like the pull of the earths gravitational force keeps us down on this planet.  The pull of the world’s system holds us down from achieving all God wants us to do.  The more complicated life gets, the more critical it is to stay built up spiritually.  We need to keep growing up in the things of the Lord.  As we close out 2109, lets put apathy behind and light a fire again in our hearts for God.  I don’t want this message to put us down, but challenge to a deeper commitment in our service to the Lord.