Leading People to Where God Wants Them to Be

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Join us March 1-21 for “21 Days of Fasting and Prayer”. There are different kinds of Fasts as well as things we can Fast. We all could give up something to honor our Lord’s sacrifice. Fasting should always be accompanied by extra Prayer.

Types of Fasts

1. Daniel Fast: No meat, sweet foods, or strong drinks (see Daniel
10:2-3). This can be done for an extended period of time, this could also be considered a vegetarian diet because there is no meat intake.

2.Partial Fast: This would be not eating one main meal you
would usually eat on a daily routine, such as breakfast, or lunch, or dinner. This meal would be skipped until the fast was over.

3. Half-Day: Fast until 3 P.M. (ninth hour). This is the fast John Wesley participated in. (see Acts 10:30-31)

4. Complete Fast: This would require you to abstain from all solid foods, liquids only. When Jesus fasted in the desert, the Bible says, “After fasting forty days and forty nights, He was hungry.” This verse does not mention Jesus being thirsty. (see Luke 4:1-2)

5. Total Fast: This is a full and complete fast, no food or drink. Acts 9:9 describes when Paul went on a full fast for three days following his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Esther also called for this type of fast in Esther 4:15-16. This type of fast should be done with extreme caution and not for extended periods of time.
6. Juice Fast: This is a fast where only fresh fruits and vegetables are juiced in a juicer. If you can’t juice your own fruits or veggies try buying juices without sugar or additives. When using fruits that are acidic, such as lemons, oranges, and even tomatoes dilute them with water for your stomachs sake.